What is Ear Candling?

Ear Candling is an ancient natural therapy that has been used traditionally by the Egyptians, Chinese, Indians & Tibetans for over 2000 years. Typically, ear candles were placed in the outer ear and then ignited to produce smoke & warmth that enters the ear canal, bringing spiritual energy & soothing herbal essences into the ear. Their historic roots can be traced back to the Indians of North & South America. Native American cultures have a long history of using ear candling techniques for spiritual & therapeutic benefits. Today, ear candling is popular all over the world. It is used by individuals as a natural home remedy & practitioners as an alternative therapy.

What are the benefits of Ear Candling?

  • Removal of ear wax build-up and debris from the ear canal
  • Relief of pressure in cases of sinusitis, headaches, migraines, congestion, ear infection, “swimmer’s ear”.
  • Reports of subtle changes in energy flow
  • Un-blockage of impacted cerumen (ear wax)
  • Clients report improvements in hearing and breathing
  • Relief from vertigo or dizziness
  • Relief from tinnitus or head noises
  • Helps hearing aids function more efficiently by cleaning ear canal